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Business Services

Business Services is responsible for the complex job of managing the District's budget and investments. In addition to the day-to-day financial operations of a fast growth school district, this division oversees a number of departments including:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting Accounts Payable
  • Bond and Debt Services
  • Budget
  • Capital Assets
  • Payroll
  • Purchasing
  • Treasury Services
  • Food and Nutritional Services
  • Transportation
  • Facilities and Construction
  • Custodial
  • Maintenance

Lake Travis ISD currently has an annual operating budget of $112.9 million. This funding is used for staff compensation, supplies and services for students, facility maintenance, student transportation, state recapture (Robin Hood) and other school related expenditures. The district also has an annual Debt Service Budget of $35.7 million. This funding pays for the retirement of bonds and the interest on outstanding debt. Additionally, the district has a Food and Nutrition Budget of $4.9 million. This fund is self-supporting; receiving revenue from federal reimbursable meals, state matching funds and paid student/staff/parent meals.

Furthermore, Lake Travis ISD has a Capital Projects Fund that is used for the construction of new schools and support facilities. The Capital Projects Fund is also used for the renovation of existing schools, infrastructure, and equipment for other departments. This effort meets the growing demands of the district, which has grown 34.2 percent in the last five years. Currently, the district has one on-going bond program; a $158.5 million bond referendum, which the voters approved in November of 2011 (the 2012 Series Bonds). 

Lake Travis ISD currently has a AA+ underlying bond rating from both Standard and Poor's and Fitch Rating Agencies.


Pam Sanchez
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services

Brad Goerke
Director of Finance/Comptroller

Tamara Odenthal
Accounts Payable Coordinator

Diem Korsgaard

Paola De La Melena
Benefits & Leaves Specialist


Toni Larsen
Payroll & Benefits Manager

Deanna Watson
Accounts Payable Specialist

Nelly Goulart
Payroll Specialist II

Katy Blossman
Payroll Specialist

Victor Hernandez
Business Services Administrative Assistant