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Unapproved Advertising Solicitations

Lake Travis Independent School District officials urge local businesses to beware of companies claiming to sell advertisements or products on behalf of LTISD, our schools, and/or our athletic programs. We are grateful to have a supportive community, but we regret that some of our local businesses unknowingly commit their support and resources to profit outside companies instead of our students and programs.

In particular, representatives with Fort Worth-based Sports Media Advertising (also known as Touchdown Sports, TD Sports, Boost Sports Integrative Media, Signature Sports, Team Sports Media LLC) have solicited donations from multiple local businesses and represented to them that such donations will benefit our schools. However, the benefit to our schools was never received.  

If you are contacted by any representative with Sports Media, please know the company has NOT been working with or contracted by LTISD or any of its representatives to sell any advertisements or sponsorships on the school district’s behalf. Any such company giving the impression that their conduct or actions benefit Lake Travis ISD, our schools, and/or our athletic programs may be in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. 

District officials encourage local businesses to take the following precautions and actions regarding advertising solicitations: 

  • When contacted by a vendor asking if you are interested in buying an advertisement or securing a spot on a banner, brochure, calendar, poster, t-shirt or other item supporting Lake Travis ISD, ask the vendor for the name/contact info. of the district or campus employee who is sponsoring the project. 

Please note, any and all LTISD sponsorship opportunities must be approved by a District or campus official. If the vendor cannot immediately provide you with this information, the project is more than likely unapproved and you are highly encouraged to decline the offer. Do not accept, “We have approval from the football team, cheer coach, baseball booster, etc.” or other vague response. Products with your advertisements (e.g., banners, calendars, cups, footballs, posters, t-shirts, etc.) purchased through an unapproved vendor will not be used in any manner by the District.  

  • Ask the vendor if he/she is donating any percentage of the sales proceeds to LTISD, one of its campuses, or other school program.

While not all vendors and business partners approved by the District return a portion of their proceeds to our programs, many of them do. If the vendor states he/she does not intend to donate a portion of their sales proceeds, it may be further indication that the venture is not an official District project. However, a vendor’s claim that he/she is donating money to a District program does not necessarily mean that the advertising is approved or that the money is being donated as promised.

  • Never provide your credit card or other personal information over the phone.

Ask the vendor to send you the proposal/invoice via email or fax. This will allow you time to contact the appropriate District/campus officials regarding the vendor and the legitimacy of the project.

  • Contact LTISD.

The LTISD Office of Development and Corporate Relations maintains a database of officially licensed partners, approved fundraisers, and legitimate sponsorship opportunities across the district. If you are ever in doubt about a particular phone call, email or other solicitation received regarding Lake Travis ISD, our schools, or one of our athletics programs… "Report It—Before You Support It!"

  • Report Fraudulent Solicitations.

In response to these types of improper solicitations, the District encourages businesses to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General. Complaints may be filed online at Additionally, businesses may have other legal remedies including contacting local law enforcement or filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

For more information, contact:
Lake Travis ISD Development and Corporate Relations