LTISD Prekindergarten Program
PLEASE NOTE: Enrollment and waitlists for 2025 - 2026 will open April 1, 2025. Thank you!
Enrollment for 2024-2025 is currently at waitlist status for non-qualifying students. Please see below qualifying application if you have a student that you believe will qualify for the current academic year.
Thank you for your interest in the 2024-2025 LTISD Prekindergarten Program!
This program is a one-year Kindergarten readiness program for those students preparing for enrollment in Kindergarten the following curriculum year and are four years old on or before September 1, 2024. The program is not available to those students age-eligible for Kindergarten enrollment (5+ yrs of age). Hours of operation follow elementary school hours (7:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) and Prekindergarten students are eligible for Extended Care through LTISD Community Programs(click this link for details). Currently, the Prekindergarten program is $6,500 a year divided into 9 payments beginning with the first payment due in September and ending with the final payment due in May.
Feeder patterns for Prekindergarten students are as follows, space permitting:
- Lake Travis Elementary and Lakeway Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Lake Travis Elementary.
- Serene Hills Elementary, Rough Hollow Elementary, and West Cypress Hills Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Serene Hills Elementary.
- Lake Pointe Elementary and Bee Cave Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Lake Pointe Elementary.
The PreK enrollment application process began on April 1st and is now at Waitlist Status for 2024 - 2025. If you would like to add your child's name to the current community, tuition-based waitlist, please click here.
*Tuition-based placement is based on a computer-generated lottery system. This allows all tuition-based families the opportunity to be considered for this program. Thank you!
Please see below for Qualifying student details and applications.
Questions may be directed to Lisa Prosper-Stevenson in the Curriculum & Instruction Department at or 512-533-5997.
Qualifying Student Enrollment
Prekindergarten families who feel their child could qualify for free Prekindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year under state guidelines will fill out the form linked below and submit a qualifying Prekindergarten application. Submit qualifying applications from the links below via email to the registrar at your child's zoned elementary campus for Kindergarten - 5th Grade.
Qualifying Pre-kindergarten Application 2024-2025 *Please complete both the application and the attached Home Language Survey for language testing. Thank you!
Solicitud para Pre-kinder Calificado 2024-2025 * Complete tanto la solicitud como la Encuesta del idioma del hogar adjunta para la prueba de idioma. ¡Gracias!
How do I qualify for non-tuition-based Pre-K?
Lake Travis ISD will offer non-tuition-based, full-day pre-kindergarten classes for children who are (4) four years old on or by September 1 of the curriculum calendar, live in the district, and:
- have a limited ability to speak and/or comprehend the English language; or
- are homeless; or
- whose family income allows the child to qualify for free or reduced lunch; or
- active duty uniformed members, which includes parents or guardians, of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard who are assigned to duty stations in Texas or who are Texans who have eligible children residing in Texas; or
- Guard and Reserve-Activated/Mobilized uniformed members of the Texas National Guard-Army or Air Guard or the Activated/Mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard who are Texas residents regardless of the location of the reserve unit; or
- military parents who are missing in action or who have died.
- is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by Section 262.201, Family Code.
*Please see Qualifying Pre-kindergarten Application form for testing and documentation requirements.
Please note the feeder patterns for Free Prekindergarten Qualifiers and tuition-based applicants are as follows, space permitting:
- Lake Travis Elementary and Lakeway Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Lake Travis Elementary.
- Serene Hills Elementary, Rough Hollow Elementary, and West Cypress Hills Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Serene Hills Elementary.
- Lake Pointe Elementary and Bee Cave Elementary attendance zones attend Prekindergarten at Lake Pointe Elementary.
Why Prekindergarten?
Research shows that young children’s earliest learning experiences can have powerful long-term effects on their cognitive and emotional development, school achievement, and later life outcomes. The Lake Travis ISD Prekindergarten program provides high-quality, early learning experiences for our youngest students. Prekindergarteners:
- Develop phonological awareness, letter knowledge, and early writing
- Understand and use increasingly complex and varied language
- Develop and demonstrate an appreciation for books
- Develop math skills
- Develop social and emotional competence
- Use language to communicate for a variety of purposes