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Current Partnerships

Texas Cultural Trust

The Texas Cultural Trust has been instrumental in developing the new Arts and Digital Literacy curriculum for Texas High Schools. Lake Travis HS offers several of the courses as part of our offerings. The Trust has also provided grants for digtial devices for classrooms and has provided free teacher training at their summer institute. 

University of Texas College of Fine Arts

The University of Texas at Austin College of Fine Arts provides support in various ways to the Lake Travis ISD Fine Arts Department. As part of the Arts and Digital Literacy Initiative, free training has been provided for Fine Arts teachers across the state. In addition, they were a leader in provding training for teachers in the new Fine Arts Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). LTISD receives many student teachers in Fine Arts from UT-Austin as well as interns in the Digital Arts area. 

United States Institute for Theatre Technology

Lake Travis ISD is participating in a curriculum development initiative with USITT and the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).  The BACKstage exam is an extension of USITT and the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) eSET exam.  For schools, this initiative has brought together industry leaders to codify essential knowledge and skills in the area of Technical Theatre.

Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts

Open Labs

Bee Cave Art Foundation