Austin County Integral Care:
Integral Care's programs are administered through the following service areas:
- Adult Behavioral Health
- Child and Family
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Psychiatric Crisis Services and Jail Diversion
Services can include psychiatric evaluations, 24-hour crisis interventions, medication treatment, inpatient treatment, employment and vocational services, service coordination, family support and respite care, housing, information and referral, supported living and residential services. Integral Care also provides community services in homes, on the streets or at other sites as needed.
24/7 Crisis Hotline 512-472-HELP (4357)
Individuals seeking help or services should start by calling the 24/7 Crisis Hotline, a uniform telecommunications system that links all of Integral Care's services. Hotline clinicians offer support to anyone seeking help, identifying how they can best be served and quickly linking them with the most appropriate resources and ensuring they receive the best care possible.
The Arc of the Capital Area: a non-profit organization, is dedicated to providing personalized, community-based services that improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers.
4902 Grover Ave. Austin, Texas 78756
512-476-7044 / 512-476-9054 (fax) or 512-474-9648 (fax)
Former Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) website:
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Functions Moved to HHS Health and human services (HHS) in Texas has been transformed into an organization that is more streamlined and responsive to the people of Texas. Sept. 1, 2017, marked another major milestone in this transformation: moving the remaining Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) functions to HHS. So the information you used to find on the DADS website has moved to the HHS website.
Texas Workforce Commission (formerly called Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS))
Under our Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program, the goal is to help individuals with disabilities obtain and maintain work that is up to par with their abilities and interests. We work with the individual to identify disability-related barriers to employment and then provide services to help reduce and eliminate those barriers. One part of our VR program is Transition, in which we provide services to students who are transitioning out of high school and will need services to plan for, obtain and maintain employment. It is typically best to set this up their Junior or Senior year, but the conversation can be started as early as Sophomore year.
Private Agencies/Organizations
Austin Resource Center for Independent Living (ARCIL): provides independent living services to persons with disabilities, their families and communities throughout Travis and surrounding counties.
825 E. Rundberg # E-6 Austin, Texas 78753
512-832-6349 / 512-832-1869 (fax)
Mary Lee Foundation: private, non-profit 501 (c)(3) service provider, specializing in residential treatment and vocational services for persons with disabilities.
1336 Lamar Square Drive Austin, Texas 78704
512-442-6077 (work) / 512-442-6825 (fax)
Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P): statewide nonprofit organization that provides information and support to families of children with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and other special health care needs and the professionals who work with them.
3710 Cedar Street Box 12 Austin, Texas 78705
866-896-6001 / 512-458-8600 / 512-451-3110 (fax)
Autism Society of Greater Austin: offers information and referral, support, and legislative advocacy to families and professionals living and working in Austin.
P.O. Box 160841 Austin, TX 78716
Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism: through the network of 20 regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) around the state and in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training ( provides a mechanism to access training, technical assistance, support, and resources for educators who serve students with autism.
BiG—Brookwood in Georgetown: BiG’s mission is to provide an educational environment that creates meaningful jobs, builds a sense of belonging and validates dignity and respect for adults with disabilities.
Erin Kiltz, Main Campus 1752 FM 1489 Brookshire, Texas
512-966-7574 / 281-375-2100 (main switch board)
NAMI Austin (National Alliance on Mental Illness): The vision of NAMI Austin is to ensure acceptance of and treatment for all those with mental illness and to facilitate their recovery through support, education and advocacy.
The Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas (DSACT): DSACT’s mission is to provide education, support, and resources to individuals with Down syndrome, their families and professionals and the community while building public awareness and acceptance of the abilities of individuals with Down syndrome.
3710 Cedar Street, Box 3 Austin, Texas 78705
512-323-0808 / 512-451-3110
Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities: the committee’s mission is to further opportunities for persons with disabilities to enjoy full and equal access to lives of independence, productivity, and self-determination. The Committee serves as a central source of information and education on the abilities, rights, problems, and needs of persons with disabilities.
P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711
512-463-5740 / 512-463-5745 (fax)