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Parental Involvement & Apps

Texas Technology TEKS - The State Board of Education (SBOE) has legislative authority to adopt the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject of the required curriculum. SBOE members nominate educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers to serve on the review committees. This page provides information and historical documents regarding the review and revision of the technology applications TEKS adopted in 2011.:

19 TAC Chapter 126. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Technology Applications

Safe Computing:

Free Internet filter & parental controls for PC's

Technology Apps for Parental Controls for Android & IOS devices

  • Screentime pause the tablet play for lunch? Want to limit daily usage? This is your solution.

  • Dinnertime Plus is an application to help parents guide and safeguard their children’s activities on their mobile devices.

  • Moment is an iOS app that automatically tracks how much you and your family use iPhone and iPad each day. You can set daily screen time limits for each member in the family, you can also set a screen free time like dinner time.

  • BreakFree works for both iOS and Android. It monitors the time on screen or on one particular app, and when the time is over the limit, it sends warnings. You can also set downtime to have no internet connections, auto text reply, etc. It is also a good tool for parental control for kids devices.

  • Flipd is an Android app that lets you turn off your phone while the app will send out auto-replies to people who contact you during the off time. As parents, you can you remotely turn off your child’s phone, but you need set it up first.

  • Dinner Mode is similar to Flipd, but it is for iOS. You set the phone off and don’t have to worry about missing anything. Although it is called dinner mode, you can set the time for anytime of the day.

  • App Detox is an Android app that help you limit the usage of particular apps, say one game app. It will send warning messages when you spend more time than the limit you set for yourself.

  • bSocial is an interesting app that offers screen time based on the time you spend off screen.