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The issuance of 2023 and 2024 A–F ratings remains pending and subject to change based on judicial rulings.

State Accountability Reports - Contains interactive accountability rating summaries and detailed reports for each district, campus, and open-enrollment charter school in the state of Texas. The Texas Education Agency has set up an information page on the A-F Accountability System with presentations and videos.

Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) provide comprehensive details of district and campus academic performance with financial reports and information about staff, programs, and demographics. (The HTML versions of the reports have more details than the paper versions.)

Federal Report Cards - The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires TEA to publish an annual report card with state, district, and campus-level information. The report card includes accountability results, student achievement, teacher quality, and more.

School Report Cards - The SRC combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance. Current School Report Cards for the 2023 or 2024 year have not been posted by TEA due pending the outcome of the judicial rulings.

Results Driven Accountability (RDA) - The Results Driven Accountability (RDA) data is reported at district, region, and state levels, focusing on the performance of school districts and charter schools in specific program areas. These areas include bilingual education/English as a second language/English learners, special populations (such as students in foster care, homeless students, and military-connected students), and special education.

District and Campus Reports

District 227913

Lake Travis High School 227913001

Lake Travis Middle School 227913041

Hudson Bend Middle School 227913042

Bee Cave Middle School 227913043

Lake Travis Elementary 227913101

Lakeway Elementary 227913102

Bee Cave Elementary 227913103

Lake Pointe Elementary 227913104

Serene Hills Elementary 227913105

West Cypress Hills Elementary 227913106

Rough Hollow Elementary 227913107