Important changes to traffic flow with opening of Vail Divide Rd:
All traffic coming from Hamilton Pool Road (HPR) will pick up and drop off students at the back of the school nearest the cafeteria. (see below: Blue route)
All traffic coming from Highway 71 will pick up and drop off students at the front of the school nearest the office. (see below: Green route).
Buses have been relocated to pick up and drop off students near the 8th grade house. (see below: yellow route).
During pick up and drop off hours, traffic coming from HPR will only be able to turn left at the entrance that takes you to the back of the school. There will be no left turn into the main entrance to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety. A police officer will be parked in the left hand turn lane at the main entrance making it inaccessible.
Parking and dropping off your student in the parking lots during pick up and drop off time will not be allowed.
The speed limit on Vail Divide is 35 mph. Speed limit is reduced to 20 mph for a period of time before and after school.
Please note that the officer who is crossing students will not be directing traffic. The officer's full attention will be on making sure students get across Vail Divide safely.
LTISD police officers along with other local law enforcement will be on patrol and ticketing for speeding, failure to stop at the stop signs, and failure to use the turn signal.
Morning Drop-off:
All BCMS students (grades 6-8) are to be dropped off at the Main Entrance in the front of the school illustrated by the Green route on the map. Parents, as you enter the front loop, please pull as far forward as possible in order to allow as many vehicles into the front loop at one time. We have learned cars arrive in groups due to the light so pulling forward prevents a backup of cars. Please, DO Not drop your student off in the faculty and visitor parking lot or bus loop. BCMS does not have staff available in the morning to monitor the crosswalk for safety. Thank you for your cooperation in this process and keeping students safe in the morning.
Additional Information:
Please have your child/children ready to exit the car prior to entering the drive.
Pull all the way up to the curve to drop off your child/children.
Allow your child to exit anywhere on the sidewalk, rather than waiting until you are directly in front of the doors.
Stay in your vehicle once you enter either drive, just as your would at the airport.
Please allow enough time for morning traffic (especially on rainy days).
All car riders should be dropped off from the car rider lane only.
For the safety of your child, do not let your child exit your car and walk between parked vehicles, as this is not a safe option.
Being on time allows your child to begin their school day without feeling rushed. It is also important to model being on time.
Other Transportation Options:
Walkers and bicycle riders will enter the building through the front doors.
Bus riders will be dropped off at the back entrance by the café.
Afternoon Dismissal:
There are 4 dismissal options:
Bus Riders
Car Riders
Bike Riders
Bus Riders:
ONLY buses pick up at the back of the school building.
Please do not enter the bus lane at the back of the school.
Bus riders will exit the back doors of the main hallway.
Buses will transport ONLY eligible riders with SMART tags ready upon entry.
Please be advised, if your child does not have a SMART tag they will not be allowed to ride the bus.
Car Riders
6th-7th graders:
Will be picked up in the front of the building.
Cars will be directed into both lanes of the loading zone.
Please pull as far forward as possible and do not leave a large gap between you and the vehicle in front. This will allow us room to get 9 cars in each lane at a time.
The next group of cars will be held up to wait at the Traffic Control spot by a staff member.
Students are to watch for their car and move down the sidewalk anticipating where they will stop.
When given the “load up” direction by staff members, because all cars in the Loading Zone have stopped and are in Park, students can then load up.