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LT smart badge
In an effort to improve student safety and security districtwide, Lake Travis ISD officials will expand its SMART tag solution, the badge system previously used exclusively for bus ridership.

All students will receive an ID badge. Secondary students will be required to wear their ID badge throughout the school day in accordance with our Lake Travis Secondary Schools Student/Parent Handbook 2022-2023.

Aside from student identification, the badge will also support automation and increase the efficiency of key services in a contactless manner including bus ridership, elementary dismissal, library book and technology device checkout, school meals, and our Extended Care after school program. Only the student’s photo, name and associated barcode will be printed on the ID badge. No other information will be stored on the badge, nor will badges be used to track a student’s location.

The SMART tag system also offers a secure Parent Portal where parents and guardians can manage notifications and alerts regarding transportation services and student dismissal changes. To access an existing SMART tag account, or to register a new account, visit the SMART tag Parent Portal.