STAAR Information
Students participated in the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)/End of Course (EOC) exams this past spring. Federal and state laws require that all students participate in summative assessments in grades 3-8 and in specific high school courses. Your child's STAAR score provides you with the assurance that he/she is prepared to enter the next grade level through the student's mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a given course and determines college and career readiness at the high school level. The results also provide educators and administrators with uniform information about where to focus resources and instruction to meet the needs of each student, especially in the core subjects being taught for the following school year.
This year, the STAAR/EOC was redesigned to better align with classroom instruction and to allow students to better demonstrate their learning. Due to the redesign, the Texas Education Agency delayed reporting of final test results for the spring STAAR.
- For students who participated in STAAR for grades 3-8:
Spring 2024 STAAR results will be available via the state's online Family Portal on June 14. Please note, your child's 2023 scores will be displayed if you access the Family Portal prior to this date. Additionally, because they were first-time test takers, scores for third grade students will not be displayed prior to June 14.
- For students who participated in STAAR EOC English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and/or U.S. History:
Spring 2024 STAAR EOC complete and final results are currently available via the state's online Family Portal on June 4th.
- For Emergent Bilingual students (English Language Learners):
TELPAS results are currently available via the state's online Family Portal.
Please note: your child's Unique Access Code is provided in Skyward Family Access under the Texas Assessment tile. The code is labeled "PAC ID." This video demonstrates how to find the code in Skyward Family Access.
Parent STAAR/EOC Resources for additional information:
Family Portal - Your child's Unique Access Code is provided in Skyward Family Access under the Texas Assessment tile. The code is labeled PAC ID. This video demonstrates how to find the code in Skyward Family Access.
Thank you for your continued support of your child’s education.
STAAR stands for State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness. It was implemented in the spring of 2012 and includes annual assessments for:
- reading language arts and mathematics grades 3-8
- science grades 5 and 8
- social studies grade 8
- end-of-course (EOC) assessments, English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and US History.
Information about STAAR:
- Texas Education Agency Website for Students and Families
- STAAR Practice Tests - Access for students (and others) to the online practice tests.
- STAAR Redesign Videos from ESC Region XIII
- Calendar for STAAR Testing - contact the campus for testing windows
If you have questions - please email Kathy Burbank at
Lake Travis ISD Matters Podcast: STAAR (April 11, 2023)
In this episode of Lake Travis ISD Matters, we discuss the newly redesigned STAAR, how the changes affect our students, and highlight resources available to parents. Our guest is Kathy Burbank, LTISD Director Accountability.