Board Meetings
Purpose of Board Meetings
While Board Meetings are for the purpose of the Board conducting the business of the District in public, and are not public forums for the purpose of securing interaction with the public, the Board recognizes that flexibility is desirable to allow meaningful public interaction with the Board as well as meaningful dissemination of information concerning Board actions.
Excluding only closed session materials, or materials that were unavailable or in incomplete form or otherwise protected from disclosure by policy, law or advice of legal counsel, the entire Board Packet every Regular or Workshop Meeting of the Board will be published, along with the Agenda, on the District Website approximately 24 hours before the scheduled meeting date.
- The Open Session (public portion) of every meeting of the Board will begin at a designated time
- Closed Session items for which there is a corresponding action item to be considered during the public portion of the meeting will be scheduled prior to or after the public session
- The consent agenda includes items of routine and/or recurring nature, grouped together under one action item
Monthly Regular Board Meetings
Lake Travis ISD regular monthly board meetings are held on Wednesday evenings. Refer to the Meeting Dates webpage for specific meeting dates.
All Board meetings are scheduled at 6 p.m. in the Live Oak Room at the Educational Development Center, unless otherwise noted on the Meeting Dates webpage.
PLEASE NOTE: Our new website is under development. As a result, board meeting materials prior to July 11, 2024 maybe be unavailable in the Notices, Agendas, BoardBooks & Minutes section of our website. To obtain specific board meeting documents prior to July 11, 2024, please contact Suzanne Kelbaugh, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at, or at 512-533-6020
Public Comments at a Board Meeting
Any person wishing to address the Board about a topic related to District business during the period reserved for public comment at a Board meeting must complete an Audience Participation Sign-Up Sheet.
- Each participant will be limited to 3 minutes to make comments to the Board.
- Under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board is not permitted to discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on the Board meeting agenda.
Communication with Board Members
Employees, students, parents or other members of the public who bring concerns or complaints to an individual Board member for the purpose of seeking remedy or perspective shall receive guidance that reflects:
- A commitment by the Board individually and collectively be approachable and open to members of the public;
- An understanding by each Board member that information provided to a Board member, in some specific situations, could cause the Board member receiving the information to be disqualified from participating in future hearing(s) or action by the Board specific to the issue; and
- Adherence to the Board’s policies (DGBA, FNG and GF) regarding complaints and grievances.
Board members shall notify the Superintendent’s office of the complaint. As necessary, the Superintendent or designee shall guide the complainant to the appropriate staff member. When the concern or complaint directly pertains to the Board’s own actions or policy, for which there is no administrative remedy, the Trustee may request that the issue be placed on the agenda. Anonymous calls or letters will not receive the Board’s attention, discussion, or response and will not be referred to the administration for action.