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District convenes budget committee

Lake Travis ISD, like most school districts across Texas, is facing a significant budget deficit largely due to the lack of additional funding for public education by the Texas Legislature. Despite rising property values and community growth, state funding has remained stagnant, creating substantial financial challenges for our schools.

In an effort to foster collaboration and transparency as we address the district’s financial needs and priorities, the administration has created the Lake Travis ISD Budget Advisory Committee. Comprised of staff, students, parents, and community members, the committee held its inaugural meeting December 9. Members received an overview of school finance, how money is spent, and budget realities, and also engaged in discussions on funding priorities and reduction strategies.

Community voice and perspective are critical as we work together to navigate these challenges and find innovative solutions to support the students and staff of Lake Travis ISD. Have a question or suggestion? Email us at

LTISD Budget Advisory Committee Meeting #1 - slide deck presentation

Raise Your Hand Texas logo; how schools are funded

Video: How Public Schools in Texas are Funded